The WLCP at Hoover Elementary strives to introduce and educate our children (Grades K - 6) about different languages and cultures through workbooks, classroom participation, games, songs and class time projects. Classes are scheduled prior to the start of school. The WLCP is a special project of the Hoover PTA and is coordinated by parent volunteers.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Winterferien! (Winter break!)

Guten Morgen!

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your winter break. We had a great fall in German class, and we've managed to work on a few verbs as well as learn some winter vocabulary. If you're in a practicing mood over break, here are some things that should be familiar to the German learners:

Verstecken spielen = Hide and go seek
(verstecken = to hide; spielen = to play)

You can count to 25 (or however high you're willing to go) and then ask
Wo bist du!? = Where are you?
Wo ist (die Giraffe/ der Tiger)? = Where is (the giraffe/ the tiger)?

If you find something, you can exclaim "gefunden!" (found!) or just explain where the person/animal is:
Da bist du! = There you are!
Da ist (die Giraffe/ der Tiger)!

der Winter (winter)
der Schnee (snow)
der Schneemann (snowman)
das Auge (eye) - die Augen (eyes)
die Nase (nose)
der Mund (mouth)
der Schal (scarf)
der Bauch (belly)
der Arm (arm)
die Hand (hand) - die Hände (hands)
die Mütze (cap)
die Handschuhe (gloves, literally 'hand shoes')

Schöne Ferien!

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